DeSantis Blocks Media From Covering Signing Of Voter Suppression Bill, Except Fox News

Ron Delancer

On Thursday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed into law a controversial voter suppression bill during an event where only Fox News was allowed to observe.

Before the Republican governor approved the legislation, his staff barred reporters from attending the West Palm Beach event, except Fox News.

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One reporter, Steve Bousquet with the South Florida Sun Sentinel, tweeted that DeSantis’s newly-installed communications director, Taryn Fenske, told him that the signing was a “Fox exclusive.” Other news outlets also complained about being blocked from observing the bill signing.

DeSantis often hold closed-door bill signings, but not as an exclusive news event for one media outlet.

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The decision to invite only Fox News comes as DeSantis — an ally of former President Donald Trump — continues to advance a combative strategy with the media. He recently held press conferences where he lashed out at 60 Minutes over a story it did on Florida vaccine distribution, and he frequently spars with reporters at news conferences.

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