A peaceful Black Lives Matter protest in New York City turned into chaos on Thursday after a car ram through protestors in Times Square.
The incident was captured on camera and posted on Twitter. One victim reportedly claimed that the car was driven by New York Police Department officers.
Car drives through protesters, Times Square, New York City, Thursday, September 3, 2020 pic.twitter.com/yMadwNYJSI
— DataInput (@datainput) September 4, 2020
Pictured below: the hand of one of the protesters hit by the car in Times Square. His hand is braced and wrapped in a plastic bag.
He says he saw police officers inside the car that hit him. pic.twitter.com/9Imlb3wjaQ
— NYC Protest Updates 2020 (@protest_nyc) September 4, 2020
Here's a better view of the incident. The car was a gray sedan, which has led many protesters who were present to speculate that the driver was a police officer in an unmarked car, though this is not confirmed.
— NYC Protest Updates 2020 (@protest_nyc) September 4, 2020
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