Ben Carson Buried in Scorn After Claiming Trump ‘Saved’ Him From COVID-19

Staff Writer
Ben Carson is facing harsh criticism for spreading misinformation on COVID-19 vaccines. (Screenshot)

Ben Carson is facing a torrent of ridicule on social media after his latest appearance, where he brazenly thanked Donald Trump for “saving” him from the brink of death during his battle with COVID-19. Carson’s introduction of Trump at a Florida summit was met with scathing criticism as he perpetuated misinformation and downplayed the severity of the pandemic.

“I almost died. I was on the verge of death,” the former HUD secretary declared during his speech on Friday. He went on to claim, “The only thing that saved me was getting the monoclonal antibody before it was approved by the FDA because Trump signed the papers allowing that.”

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His statement not only distorts the timeline but also minimizes the critical role of the broader medical response in managing the crisis.

Carson’s remarks didn’t stop there. He continued to echo misleading claims, asserting that “the treatment became worse than the disease” at some point during the pandemic—a statement that contradicts the evidence and expert consensus on COVID-19 treatment efficacy.

Carson’s comments seemed designed to elevate Trump’s role in his recovery, while dismissing the contributions of medical professionals and the broader healthcare system.

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Social media erupted with scorn as users condemned Carson for spreading misinformation.

Check Carson’s remarks and some of the responses below:

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