Donald Trump fans are losing it on social media after Fox News’s coverage of the Democratic National Convention and their praise of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s acceptance speech on Thursday night.
With news personality Bret Baier claiming Biden’s speech was “the best he’s been” and “what he needed to do,” colleague Chris Wallace added, Biden “blew a hole” in Trump’s contention that Biden isn’t up to the task.
“Remember, Donald Trump has been talking for months about how Joe Biden is mentally shot, a captive of the left,” Wallace suggested. “And yes, Biden was reading from a TelePrompter, from a prepared speech. But I thought he blew a hole, a big hole in that characterization.”
The praise for Biden didn’t stop there. On Friday, host Dana Perino claimed that “Joe Biden just hit a home run in the bottom of the ninth. He had pace, rhythm, energy, emotion and delivery. So I think that if he looks back, he’s got to say that’s probably the best speech of his life.”
Appearing as an analyst, former GOP consultant Karl Rove added, “If I were a Republican strategist in the Trump campaign, I’d be worried about how long and how effectively he carries that theme forward.”
The praise for Biden’s speech had Trump supporters heated, some even calling the network “evil” for it. Take a look at how Trump’s fans reacted below:
I woke up this morning, pulled up & all I saw was gushing praise of @JoeBiden.
Outside of @TuckerCarlson & a couple of others, @FoxNews is dead to me!
— Bradley Scott 🙏🇺🇸 (@Hoosiers1986) August 21, 2020
I could not watch. Ugh too much evil.
— Leesa FL (@leesa_fl) August 21, 2020
Yes Fox News seems to have come under the socialist and woke influence. Fox News here dead too
— Marinus Johnson (@JohnsonMarinus) August 21, 2020
Right? What are they gushing over? The fact that he completed a sentence? They have 6 people talking about Biden last night and nobody telling the truth except Katie Pavlich.
— RISING SON 38 (@38_rising) August 21, 2020
Agree…I like OAN News
— Mike (@DirtDog14) August 21, 2020
Drop the subscription..I did
— FreedomRighter@FreedomRighter (@SLFraysse) August 21, 2020
Fox died 3 years ago
— MAJ Mardy Bliss (RET) (@MardyBliss) August 21, 2020
We dumped Fox Daytime..Tucker and Laura are the only two we watch..
Newsmax is excellent during the day..
— Cali Girl🌷To🌷Okie (@GooseGanderMom) August 21, 2020
I'm over all of it! There are no real news sources anymore.
If there are, they are being attacked and held back at every turn.
— ⚜ şᶤ𝖊𝖗𝖗𝐚 𝖜ђᶤş𝖐𝖊𝖊™ 🇺🇸🕇𝖐n𝖊𝖊l to J𝖊şuş (@SierraWhiskee) August 21, 2020
Fox News is no longer a conservative news outlet. It is now 1/3 conservative, 1/3 objective, 1/3 liberal. From a business standpoint, it makes sense. I only watch select shows (Tucker, Hannity, Levin). The Five is entertaining when Juan gets shredded by Katie, Jesse and Greg.
— Jim Brueckner (@RealGreyrider) August 21, 2020
Poor Chris, never gonna reach the heights of his father. Sad, bitter little man.
— Nunya Bidnes – Screw Your New Normal 🖕NEVER AGAIN (@Nunya1230) August 21, 2020
I can’t stand Christ Wallace and some others on Fox News!! I will be watching more of OAN!
— Elisabetta Pastena (@elisapastena) August 21, 2020
I turned on the TV & could swear I was watching CNN. Fox new is a mess. Wanted to slap nearly every commentator except Katie P.
— Pink Survivor (@PatriciaTarlet1) August 21, 2020
I drive a school bus and normally watch @FoxNews during the day, not anymore. Especially with Donna Brazile on and all this GUSHING over Biden and Kamala 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
— Mary4trump❤🇺🇸❤🇺🇸❤🇺🇸❤ (@MaryWarrick18) August 21, 2020
I wonder what made @FoxNews decide to sell out? BTW, the “men” on Fox News needs to quit wearing makeup…. man up!
— Randy Boone (@Boone92Boone) August 21, 2020
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