A Day After 7 Women Were Killed In Georgia, 172 Republicans Vote Against Bill To End Violence Against Women

Ron Delancer By Ron Delancer

On Thursday, the US House of Representatives voted to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). The act, according to the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV), “creates and supports comprehensive, cost-effective responses to domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking.”

The act, which was originally authored by president Joe Biden, was passed 244 to 172 one day after seven women were killed in attacks across three massage parlors in Atlanta, Georgia.

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All Democrats and 29 Republicans voted in favor of the bill, and 172 Republicans voted to oppose the measure.

While the bill’s passage in the House was celebrated, there was also a widespread reaction to the fact that so many lawmakers chose to vote against the bill.

One social media, Jake Lobin, tweeted “172 Republicans voted against renewing the Violence Against Women Act today because they see no problem with violence against women.”

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Another user blasted the Republicans for having “no redeeming qualities”, and others accused the party of not caring for the safety of women in the country.

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