Ye Finally Suspended From Twitter…Again Over Pro-Nazi Posts

Ron Delancer

Rapper-turned-Nazi sympathizer Kanye West (Ye) was finally suspended from Twitter over West’s flagrantly anti-Semitic, pro-Nazi posts.

On Thursday, West tweeted an image of a swastika inside of a Jewish Star of David, prompting Twitter CEO Elon Musk to reach out to West to express his concerns about West’s hate-filled imagery and West snubbed him.

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The swastika tweet was just one of many offensive actions that West took this week.

The holocaust-denying rapper also appeared on conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ “InfoWars” program on Thursday where West declared that he liked Hitler and said that “the Jewish media” gave Nazis an unwarranted bad reputation.

He also claimed that the Holocaust “is not what happened.”

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After this, West took to Twitter to post more anti-Semitic content that triggered his suspension.

The action caps a tumultuous week for West, who dined at former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort accompanied by infamous pro-Nazi internet troll Nick Fuentes.

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