Woman Invokes ‘White Power’ As Reason She’s ‘Entitled’ Not To Wear Mask At Local Home Depot

Ron Delancer

The long holiday weekend has led to several strange incidents by anti-mask-wearing Trump supporters throwing fits all over the country.

Another video has emerged online showing a white woman making a scene after being asked to wear a face mask.

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In the video, the woman holds up her phone to keep from being filmed not wearing a mask while standing in line at Home Depot — then telling her accuser that she is “white, a woman and entitled” and giving her filmer the finger.

During the incident, she reaches out twice to knock the other phone away.

The incident began after she was called out for not wearing a mask and, at first, she refused to speak, later saying that she is “white” and therefore “entitled.”

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After later boasting that she “believes in white power,” the woman filming her accuses her of being a “disgusting, racist piece of trash.”


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