Watch – McEnany Lies About Protestors To Justify Trump’s Photo-Op Stunt: ‘There Are No Regrets… We Stand By Those Actions’

Ron Delancer

On Monday, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany tried to justify Donald Trump’s photo-op stunt at St. John’s Church by claiming that the protestors “burned down” the church, which is not a true statement.

While being pressed about the stunt, McEnany claimed that neither Trump or the White House “regrets” the president’s actions that led to peaceful protestors being beaten and tear-gassed.

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“There are no regrets on the part of this White House,” McEnany told reporters. “We stand by those actions.“

She went on to claim that the Justice Department and Park Police were the ones responsible for the decision.

“The president is not sorry for the way things went?” a reporter pressed.

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“No, the president is sorry about the fact that antifa wreaked havoc in our streets and the failure of some members of the media to note that,” McEnany responded, citing CNN hosts Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon.

The full press briefing can be seen in the video below:

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