Voters In Key Battleground States Pour Money Into Democratic Candidates, Tired Of Trump And His GOP Enablers

Ron Delancer

Voters in key battleground states are fed up with Donald Trump and his Republican enablers that they have decided to flood Democrats with donations in hopes that they will defeat the GOP and the nation gets a new president, according to a Politico report.

State parties are “harvesting record-setting cash heading into the 2020 election,” and in the “15 possible battleground states, nearly every Democratic state party group is hitting higher quarterly fundraising totals or holding more cash on hand in their federal accounts than they did at this point during the 2016 presidential campaign,” the report notes.

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According to Tim Lim, a Democratic digital consultant, donors are not being careless with their money and are being very selective where it will go for maximum effectiveness.

“There is a much more strategic giving regimen this cycle,” he explained. “There’s a growing recognition that the state parties have a fundamental role to play … and all those donor advisers, donor tables talk to each other about what they’re doing and how best to spend their money.”

Politico reports that the cash haul is particularly notable in states that are crucial to the president’s election chances.

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“Those surges are happening in traditional swing states like Pennsylvania and Florida as well as emerging targets for Democrats like Texas and Arizona. The Arizona Democratic Party raised $4.6 million in the second quarter, a more than 300 percent increase over its haul at this point in 2016, while Texas is sitting on five times more cash than it had at this point in 2016.” the report states. “North Carolina banked more than doubled its 2016 totals, from $2.5 million to just under $6 million, and racked up its strong online fundraising numbers in June since late 2018. Wisconsin, a stand out among the states, brought in a record-breaking $10 million last quarter.”

Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean noted that state parties have grown and become more effective since 2016

“For a long time, state parties were ignored during Obama’s presidency and they were incredibly weak,” he explained. “Now, they’re not [weak], which is a combination of increased competency among state parties and a donor base that’s outraged by Trump.”

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Where that money will come into play may be seen on election day, with parties having more cash on hand to fund get-out-the-vote drives.

“The influx of money is giving an organizing boost to Joe Biden, Senate Democrats and other candidates heading into November 2020. Presidential candidates typically spend the final months of an election anxiously shoveling money toward state parties to fund get-out-the-vote operations and other critical infrastructure, but Democrats are running ahead of schedule this year,” Politico reports, adding, “That is largely thanks to donors across the country who are newly interested in funding the party’s grassroots operations as a way to combat President Donald Trump, as well as state party leaders who have stepped up efforts to attract top donors with the promise of getting the most bang for their buck.”

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