Trump’s Favorite Pollster Shows Him Getting Demolished By Biden

Ron Delancer

Donald Trump’s polling throughout his presidency hasn’t been great. But when most polls have him with extremely low approval ratings, he tends to brag about his Rasmussen poll numbers – which are typically higher than most polls.

But now, even his favorite pollster shows him getting destroyed by Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

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“The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds Biden earning 50% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Trump’s 40%. Six percent (6%) remain undecided,” Rasmussen Reports writes. “The new survey finds Trump with 74% of the Republican vote. Biden has the support of 79% of Democrats. Among voters not affiliated with either major party, it’s Biden 48%, Trump 36%.”

In average, Biden leads Trump by about 10 percentage points among different pollsters.

Trump’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak, his attack on Black Lives Matter, and the recent Russia bounty scandal has dropped his already low popularity even lower.

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