Trump’s Approval Drops Sharply Among Older Americans In New Poll

Ron Delancer

With the election just six months away, President Donald Trump got terrible news as his job approval is plummeting among older Americans over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

A new survey published Morning Consult poll shows that senior citizens are losing support for Trump as he signals that he wants to reopen states before their governors and public health experts recommend as safe.

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People 65 and older strongly believe — by a 6-to-1 margin — that the government should focus more on addressing the spread of coronavirus than on restarting the economy.

Senior citizens approved of Trump’s handling of the outbreak in mid-March at a higher rate than any other group, with a net approval of plus-19. But the survey tracking outlet found that approval had drained away by 20 points over the past month — and now their support is lower than any age group besides 18- to 29-year olds.

Congressional support on coronavirus has also plummeted, falling 22 points from a poll taken at the end of March, shortly after a $2 trillion stimulus package was signed into law.

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Recent polls suggest Americans feel a sense of urgency for additional action, with nine in 10 voters saying that an emergency funding bill should be a priority for Congress.

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