Trump Secretly Wants Dems To Win Senate Race In Georgia To ‘Screw’ McConnell For Acknowledging Biden’s Win: Report

Ron Delancer

President Donald Trump is reportedly trying to inflict as much damage as possible to the republican party for not fighting to overturn the election results. I particular, he wants to “screw” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for “betraying” him by acknowledging President-elect Joe Biden’s electoral victory in the November election.

In his column for The Daily Beast, special correspondent Michael Tomasky writes that “[Trump] wants to screw Mitch McConnell. There’s nothing complicated or tactical about this. McConnell acknowledged that Joe Biden won the election. Therefore he must suffer. Boom. Caveman simple,” adding that “Trump would like to see both of the GOP Senate candidates to lose because he also lost the state.”

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But McConnell is not his only target. The columnist said the president purposely did great damage to the Republican Party by delaying the signing and infuriating the public by spending the weekend golfing after threatening a veto.

Calling the signing delay — and the anxiety it caused over Christmas week — “insane,’ Tomasky suggested that the damage Trump is doing to the GOP is on purpose as both a loyalty test and to show Republican lawmakers that, even as he is leaving office after a humiliating defeat, he can still make them or break them.

“Trump is a 5-year-old, and everything with him is 5-year-old simple. Caveman simple,” he wrote. “Thus, he can’t think about the Republican Party, or the Senate under a Biden presidency, or anything of the sort.”

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“Trump doesn’t care who runs the Senate if he’s not president,” Tomasky wrote.

Yo can read the entire piece at The Daily Beast.

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