Trump Rips CNN’s ‘Dumbest Man On TV’ Don Lemon Over Segment Mocking His Supporters

Ron Delancer

President Donald Trump on Tuesday lashed out at CNN anchor Don Lemon, calling him “the dumbest man on television” after the anchor recently led a segment in which he laughed when a panelist called Trump supporters “the credulous boomer rube demo” while mocking the president’s defenders.

“Don Lemon, the dumbest man on television (with terrible ratings!),” Trump tweeted to his more 70 million followers.

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The tweet included a video clip posted by The Daily Caller of Lemon’s panel discussion with staunch Trump critics Rick Wilson, an ex-GOP strategist, and Wajahat Ali, a New York Times columnist and CNN contributor.

Lemon, who is also a frequent critic of the president, led a discussion focused on Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s heated exchange with an NPR reporter that included Pompeo challenging the reporter to find Ukraine on a map.

Wilson said he thinks that Pompeo knows that Trump “couldn’t find Ukraine on a map.”

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“[Pompeo] also knows deep within his heart that Donald Trump couldn’t find Ukraine on a map if you had the letter U and a picture of an actual physical crane next to it,” Wilson mocked, causing Lemon to have a laughing fit. “He knows that this is, you know, an administration defined by ignorance of the world. And so that’s partly him playing to the base and playing to their audience. You know, the credulous boomer rube demo that backs Donald Trump.”

” ‘Donald Trump’s the smart one — and y’all elitists are dumb!’ ” Wilson added in a southern accent, prompting Ali to jump in.

” ‘You elitists with your geography and your maps — and your spelling!’ ” Ali added, also speaking with a southern accent.

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Here’s Trump’s response:

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