Trump Drowned In Mockery After ‘Quitting’ Fox News In Raging Tweetstorm Over Bad Polls

Ron Delancer

President Donald Trump is being dragged and tossed around the internet after saying on Twitter that he’s done with Fox News after the network on Sunday showed him trailing former Vice President Joe Biden in the polls.

In a pair of raging tweets, Trump claimed he was leading in “real polls” but did not cite any:

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The president has repeatedly claimed that 96 percent of Republicans approve of him. While he does enjoy high levels of support among members of his party, there are no recent polls that show him reaching that level. Last week, a Hill-Harris X poll found he had an 82 percent approval rating among Republicans, down from 91 percent in May.

In addition to attacking Fox, Trump also urged his supporters to change the channel.

Trump has repeatedly railed against news agencies for reporting on polls unfavorable to him and even sent a “cease and desist” threat to CNN last month for broadcasting a poll that showed him trailing Biden by 14 points.

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The Trump campaign also reportedly cut ties with some pollsters last month after internal polls were leaked. Those polls showed Trump trailing Biden in several swing states.

The president has expressed displeasure with Fox News numerous times in recent months. In May, he complained that the network was “doing nothing to help Republicans, and me, get re-elected.” He also said he was “looking for a new outlet.”

Despite his complaints, Fox News has remained friendly territory for Trump, with personalities such as Sean Hannity frequently offering lavish praise. Over the weekend, the network even cropped an image of late sex offender Jeffrey Epstein with Trump to remove the president. However, they left first lady Melania Trump in the picture.

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Twitter users had something to say in response, and mockery ensued:

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