Trump Disqualified Himself From Holding Office Ever Again And Jimmy Kimmel Found The Specific Law To Prove It

Ron Delancer

On Monday, late-night host Jimmy Kimmel slammed Donald Trump as “spectacularly pathetic” after a former White House spokesperson revealed that Trump so enjoyed the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the U.S. Capitol that he kept rewinding and rewatching his favorite moments as his followers were tear-gassed.

During his monologue, Kimmel also shared the news that the National Archives had to retrieve 15 boxes of White House documents that Trump took with him to Mar-a-Lago, noting that it was a violation of the U.S. penal code.

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Kimmel explained that such violation not only makes it a crime to “conceal, remove, mutilate, obliterate, falsify, or destroy” official records, but also sets a very specific penalty: forfeit of office, and disqualification from holding any office.

“This is exactly what he did, right? What are we waiting for? Disqualify away! Bring in the disquali-firing squad, for God’s sake,” Kimmell exclaimed as the crowd erupted in cheers.

Watch the monologue below.

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