Trump Cultist Says Trump Played Her ‘Like A Player Who Leads A Girl On’

Ron Delancer

QAnon wingnut and pro-Trump broadcaster DeAnna Lorraine said in a recent video posted to her website that she feels as if former President Donald Trump duped her and that she can’t rely on him any longer.

“I feel kind of personally disappointed … I’m not trying to rail against President Trump, I’m not some kind of traitor, but we need to tell it like it is,” Lorraine said. “And I feel a little bit like, how a player leads a girl on over and over again, and she continues to fall for his charm and his charisma and his good looks, and he gives her a little bit of crumbs here and there — a little bit of hope to continue moving forward, and she might feel like his actions aren’t backed up by his words and promises, but she continues to hang on, and hang on, and hang on, even though no actions happen and nothing moves forward but he gives her some crumbs to hold on to.”

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“At this point, I sort feel like that’s what’s going on with President Trump.”

Take a look at her remarks below:

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