Trump Blasts Former Press Secretary McEnany as ‘RINO’ For Criticizing Victory Speech

Staff Writer

Donald Trump unleashed fury on his former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, slamming her as a ‘RINO’ (Republican In Name Only) after she dared to criticize his triumphant New Hampshire victory speech. McEnany, appearing on Fox News, suggested Trump adopt a more ‘general election tone’ and advised him to ‘look under the hood’ of the Republican Party’s voter sentiments.

In a night where Trump basked in his 12-point win, McEnany’s candid commentary, deeming Nikki Haley an ‘imposter’ and urging Trump to focus on uniting the party, was met with Trump’s online rebuke. Dismissing her as ‘Birdbrain,’ he retorted, ‘Save your advice for Nikki!’

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Donald Trump calls McEnany a rino

McEnany, despite acknowledging Trump as the ‘presumptive nominee,’ pointed out potential challenges in the general election, citing Fox News voter analysis data showing 32% of Republicans unwilling to vote for Trump. Despite Trump’s victory, McEnany emphasized the need to win over independents to secure success against Biden.

Trump, fixated on Haley, continued his verbal assault during his victory speech, prompting McEnany’s advice on adopting a more presidential tone. Dismissing Haley as a lingering contender, Trump lashed out, insisting on the need to focus solely on the general election.

McEnany’s blunt counsel came amid a backdrop of Trump’s ongoing legal battles, adding a layer of complexity to his political landscape. Her departure as Trump’s last press secretary, announced shortly after January 6, marked a tumultuous end to her tenure.

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Here’s the video that triggered Trump’s raging response to McEnany:

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