Trump Aids Expect ‘Humiliating Loss’ Against Biden In First Presidential Debate: Reprot

Ron Delancer

For the first time, Donald Trump and Joe Biden will be debating on the national stage this upcoming Tuesday. And according to recent reports, Trump’s own team fear that he will lose the debate in a humiliating fashion.

According to Politico, “some on Trump’s team are bracing for a humiliating loss” against the former vice president after Trump has spent several months claiming that Biden is too senile to form coherent sentences.

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Veteran GOP strategist Ed Rollins said that Trump has lowered the expectations for Biden’s performance by constantly attacking his mental health.

“Biden has clearly shown he can function, the bar is low and the expectations are so low, all he has to do is exceed those expectations,” he said.

“The danger with [Trump’s] sustained attack against Biden’s cognitive abilities is that he’s now created a situation for himself where he has no excuse to fall back on if Biden lands a few punches and he struggles to return blows,” said another Republican described as “close” to Trump’s campaign. “I get why the president has gone after Biden for his age and gaffes… but at some point he should have flipped the script to increase expectations heading into the debates.”

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You can read the full report HERE.

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