Trump Aide: Rudy Giuliani Was Drunk When He Told Trump To Declare Victory On Election Night

Ron Delancer

Former NY Mayor and Trump election litigator Rudy Giuliani was reportedly intoxicated when he told the former president to prematurely declare victory on election night 2020, according to Jason Miller, a former Trump aide.

Miller’s revelation came during the House Select Committee’s public hearings on Monday.

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The Jan 6 panel played a video of Miller testifying about the atmosphere in the Trump White House on election night, where Giuliani was urging Trump to ignore the advice of his campaign staff and say he won the election before all ballots had been counted.

“[Giuliani] was definitely intoxicated,” Miller told House investigators. “But I do not know his level of intoxication when he spoke with the president.”

Miller then explained how both he and Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien had urged Trump to hold off on declaring victory because votes were still being counted. But Giuliani called them “weak” and told Trump to say he won that night, Miller said.

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The committee then played a video of Stepien testifying that Trump also rejected his advice to hold off on declaring victory, and that “he was going to go in a different direction.”

Watch the video below:

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