Donald Trump has been touting a secret healthcare plan that will shock Americans and will be the “best” health care plan ever.
On Thursday, at his health care address in Charlotte, North Carolina, Donald Trump announced that his healthcare plan is an executive order that will send out a $200 cash card to 33 million Medicare recipients ahead of the election.
“The America First Healthcare Plan includes another historic provision to benefit our great seniors,” said Trump. “Under my plan, 33 million Medicare beneficiaries will soon receive a card in the mail containing $200 that they can use to help pay for prescription drugs. Nobody’s seen this before. The cards will be mailed out in the coming weeks. I will always take care of our wonderful senior citizens. Joe Biden won’t be doing this.”
Trump now claims a $200 cash card will be sent out to 33 million people on Medicare
— NowThis (@nowthisnews) September 24, 2020
While it is unclear which authority gives Trump the power to enact this economic giveaway, it is certain that Trump has been struggling among voters over 65. Many are seeing Trump’s plan as a bribe to sway senior voters his way.
My mistake….It’s only $200….Even worse!
— Melinda (@jeanienyc) September 24, 2020
Where is he getting $6.6B for these cards? If they actually exist, I'm sure they'll have his name on them.
— wxjimc (@wxjimc) September 24, 2020
Using taxpayer funds (approx. > 6 billion dollars) to buy more votes.
— Keep the House: Take the Senate. (@TheWitchProf) September 24, 2020
Trying to buy the senior vote now. Afraid it won’t work
— momb (@moretolife57) September 24, 2020
Bribe. Of course.
— The Real Keith Paul (@kpaul70) September 24, 2020
That’s what their vote cost? $200!
— And Now This (@hcesd) September 24, 2020
a one-time $200? right. that'll fix everything!
— sara smirks (@SaraSmirks) September 24, 2020
$200 often will not pay for one month's supply of meds for many. Really, how is a one-time payment very helpful in the long run? And that is IF it really is what he promises…..#TrumpLiesEverytimeHeSpeaks
— CM-Working My Butt Off 2 StayPositive (@CMStayPositive) September 24, 2020
Ahh, congress holds the purse strings not sure he has any authority to do this and if this is his big great healthcare we are all doomed to high health costs.
— James Fiorelli (@jamesfiorelli59) September 24, 2020