‘They May Try But They Can’t F—ing Succeed. We’re The Guys With The Guns’: US Top Generals Scrambled To Stop Trump From Launching a Coup

Ron Delancer

During Wednesday’s edition of CNN’s “AC360,” anchor Anderson Cooper and reporter Jamie Gangel revealed stunning new information from Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker’s new book “I Alone Can Fix It,” detailing how the nation’s top generals, led by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Millie, scrambled to defend the country from former President Donald Trump as they feared he would attempt a coup after losing the election.

“CNN has obtained a series of excerpts, each really more alarming than the next,” said Cooper. “In this one, general Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is reassuring his deputies about preventing a coup attempt. Quoting now from the book. ‘They may try but they can’t effing succeed,’ he told them. ‘We’re the guys with the guns.'”

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Gangel went on to explain that Milley was “shaken” by Trump’s behavior and planned with other military leaders to prevent him from trying to stay in office.

“They believed there really could be a coup attempt by Trump,” she said. “Milley views Trump as the classic authoritarian leader with nothing to lose.’ And he’s quoted as saying ‘This is a Reichstag moment,’ Milley told the aides.”

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