Texas Up For Grabs As Poll Shows Virtual Tie Between Trump And Biden

Ron Delancer

Texas is becoming an increasingly competitive state as President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden are in a tight race in there, according to a new poll.

Trump narrowly leads Biden 48 to 46 percent, according to a CBS News poll released Sunday. But the president’s lead is within the poll’s 3.5 percentage point margin of error, meaning the candidates are in a virtual tie.

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The poll found Biden has a wide lead over Trump among likely Hispanic voters in Texas, with Biden at 61 percent compared to Trump’s 30 percent, CBS reported.

Biden also leads Trump regarding the coronavirus pandemic. The poll found 47 percent of voters said Biden would do a better job at handling the coronavirus outbreak, while 43 percent said the same about Trump.

Trump scored better when voters were asked about safety, with 48 percent of respondents saying Trump would make them feel more secure, and 42 percent said Biden would make them feel the same.

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The survey was finished before news of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death, CBS noted, so the results do not indicate how the vacancy and the GOP’s push to fill it before the election may impact voters.

The poll was conducted between Sept. 15 and 18 and surveyed 1,161 registered voters in Texas.

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