Televangelist Kenneth Copeland Brags His Kids Prayed For a Boat, ‘And God Gave Us Two!’

Ron Delancer

As people struggle to make ends meet amid the coronavirus crisis, Televangelist Kenneth Copeland is bragging about how his kids John and Kellie prayed for a boat and God rewarded them with two boats!

“They [John and Kellie] came in one day and they said, ‘Daddy, we want a boat!’… ‘You may have a boat, but I’ll tell you what we’re gonna do. This is gonna be your faith project. You’re gonna believe this boat in… Well, I forgot about it. Ten days later, I got a phone call…”

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“… I really do need you to forgive me.” I said, “Well, Monty, what for?” He said, “The Lord spoke to me and told me to give you my boat several days ago and I didn’t do it… Kenneth,” he said, “I’ve got it all cleaned up and polished.” He said, “I’m gonna bring it over there this afternoon.” I said, “Well, Monty, man, that’s great, man! That’s wonderful!” Now, that was that was that morning… I called the kids in that afternoon and I said, “You got the boat!” Oh, praise God! We shouted and had a big time!

The next day, I got another call. “Brother Copeland” — friend of mine up in Nebraska — “Brother Copeland.” He’s nearly in tears! He said, “Oh, you’ve got to forgive me.” I said, “Why? What for?” He said, “God told me to give you my boat. And I didn’t do it and I’m ashamed of myself!”

… I said, “What kind of boat is it?” He said, “Kenneth, I’ve got a small cabin cruiser.”

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… It took two boats to do it. Amen. And they [John and Kellie] had to sow for it. Now, I’ve forgotten what they sowed, but they sowed money, their money, into the ministry and sowed seed for that boat. It just took boats to do it. Isn’t that exciting?! Hey! Amen! Well, you know, the Lord loves little children. Well, He loves big ones, too!

So Copeland’s kids prayed for a boat, and two guys just happened to get the word from God to hand over their boats to Copeland. And instead of telling them to donate those to charity, he just kept them both while asking his followers for cash. I bet everyone can relate to that.


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RELATED: Kenneth Copeland Says God Told Him People Need To Donate ‘$300 Million’ To His Ministry This Year.

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