‘Take Care Of The Jackasses That You F—ed Up’ On Jan 6, QAnon Shaman’s Lawyer Tells Trump

Ron Delancer

Albert Watkins, The lawyer who represented Jacob Chansley —who is known as the “QAnon Shaman”— said sent a message to former President Trump after Chansley was sentenced to 41 months in prison: “take care of the jackasses that you f—– up because of January 6.”

“If you’re asking my opinion, my opinion is meaningless. I will say that I would probably be far more effective over a beer with former President Trump, even if he didn’t have a beer, because I understand he doesn’t drink beer, but I’d have a beer,” Watkins told reporters outside the courthouse.

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“And I’d tell him, ‘You know what? You’ve got a few fuck*ng things to do. Including clearing this fuck*ng mess up and taking care of a lot of the jackasses that you fuck*d up because of January 6.’ In the meantime, I might talk to him about some other things that I’d agree with him on. But my opinion doesn’t mean sh*t,” he added.

Watkins’s comments come a day after a judge slapped Chansley with a 3-1/2-year sentence on Wednesday following him pleading guilty to felony charges over his role in the Jan 6 insurrection.

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