Tag: donald trump

Trump Says He Can’t Read Constitution Because ‘It’s Like A Foreign Language’: New Book Reveals

Many people have questioned Donald Trump's mental capacity to actually run the United States of America. Many have even questioned…

Carl Anthony 1 Min Read

Pelosi Suggests Trump Is A Mobster During House Floor Speech

Nancy Pelosi gave a speech on the House floor on Wednesday where she suggested that Donald Trump acts like a…

Carl Anthony 1 Min Read

Trump Says Pelosi Is Performing A ‘Con Job’ After She Announces Impeachment Managers

Donald Trump took to Twitter on Wednesday shortly after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi named the seven impeachment managers who will…

Carl Anthony 1 Min Read

New Book Claims Trump ‘Abused,’ ‘Harassed,’ And ‘Pestered’ Kirstjen Nielsen For Refusing To Shut Down The Border

Former Secretary of Homeland Security, Kirstjen Nielsen, was very loyal to Donald Trump during her tenure. She even enforced Trump's…

Carl Anthony 1 Min Read

Kevin McCarthy Blames Adam Schiff For Trump’s Killing Of Iranian Commander:’He Pursued Impeachment’

Appearing on Fox & Friends on Tuesday, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) defended the airstrike ordered by Donald Trump…

Carl Anthony 1 Min Read

Jim Bakker To Evangelicals: ‘Loving Trump’ Is The Only Way To Be ‘Saved’

Felon Televangelist Jim Bakker is being dragged online after letting a Christian crowd that President Donald Trump is a test…

Carl Anthony 3 Min Read

Iran Hints They’re Going After Trump’s Properties In Series Of Tweets

Iranian officials released a series of tweets blaming "solely" Donald Trump for the death of Iranian general Qassem Soleimani and…

Carl Anthony 1 Min Read

Mike Pence Burned To The Ground For Trying To Pin 9/11 Attacks On Iran To Justify Killing Of Iranian General

Vice President Mike Pence is facing fierce backlash after trying to link the 9/11 terrorist attacks to Iran in order…

Carl Anthony 3 Min Read

Deutsche Bank Official Who Signed Off On $2Billion Loan To Donald Trump Commits Suicide: Report

A former Deutsche Bank executive who signed off on several controversial loans to Donald Trump was found dead at his…

Carl Anthony 1 Min Read

Mike Pompeo Contradicts Trump, Admits Iranian General Posed No Threat To American Homeland

Facing increasing criticism after ordering a strike that killed an Iranian general in Bagdad, President Donald Trump claimed that the…

Carl Anthony 2 Min Read
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