Six People Die After Massive Liquid Nitrogen Leak At Georgia Poultry Plant

Ron Delancer

Six lives were lost on Thursday after a Georgia poultry plant experienced a liquid nitrogen leak, according to the Daily Mail.

The report states that six people died in the accident while another 12 were left injured.

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Officials say that the leak happened around 10:12am on Thursday morning at Prime Pak Foods in Gainesville, Georgia, after a nitrogen line reportedly “ruptured.”

According to the report, “Five people died inside the plant, while one person died in the emergency room of a nearby hospital.”

“At least 12 others were hospitalized, with three currently listed in a critical condition, according to Hall County Fire Department Division Chief Zach Brackett. All of the injuries were said to be respiratory in nature.”

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Nicholas Ancrum, spokesperson for Foundation Food Group, who own the plant, called the leak a “tragic accident” and said the lives lost Thursday include maintenance, supervisory and management team members.

Ancrum said the company, “takes workplace safety very seriously,” and as of now, “We can’t say with confidence how this accident occurred.”

You can read the full report HERE.

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