‘Shut The [Expletive] Up!’ Joe Walsh Bashes Don Jr After He Tried Attacking Joe Biden With Lies

Ron Delancer

Donald Trump Jr.’s attack on Joe Biden backfired on Wednesday after former Congressman Joe Walsh (R-IL) slammed the president’s son.

On Wednesday, Trump Jr. fired off a tweet mocking former Vice President Joe Biden by claiming he’s unfit to serve in office.

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He tweeted: “OMG they’re escorting Biden like a child to make sure he doesn’t stop and so he remembers where he’s supposed to go. This whole thing is a farce. Wake up America. How the heck could this guy run anything let alone America?”

Walsh fired back at Trump Jr. with his own tweet:

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“Shut the f-ck up Jr. Your Daddy is a traitor. He won’t hit back at Putin for killing our soldiers in Afghanistan. He prattled off a bunch of Russian talking points this morning. Give me 77 year old Joe Biden over a traitor like your daddy any day of the week.”

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