The leak of a draft opinion showing that the conservative majority in the Supreme Court has moved to overturn Roe v. Wade has sent political shockwaves through the country ahead of the November midterm elections, with many calling it “the October surprise” in May.
According to a Washington Post-ABC News poll conducted last week, a majority of Americans — 54 percent — think the 1973 Roe decision should be upheld while 28 percent believe it should be overturned — a roughly 2-to-1 margin.
With the Supreme Court poised to overturn the right to abortion, Democrats have seized the moment to rally voters while Republicans are trying to shift the focus to the leak itself.
While the leak is one of the most stunning breaches of secrecy in the court’s history and will certainly sow distrust among the justices and further damage the court’s already tarnished reputation, legal experts doubt that the breach could constitute a criminal act.
In fact, the leak has put a legal spotlight on the justices themselves.
Here’s why: Many are claiming that Brett Kavanaugh, Neil Gorsuch, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Amy Coney Barrett lied under oath during their confirmation hearings, and some are even suggesting possible impeachment.
Justice Alito LIED during his confirmation hearing about #RoeVWade. Why? Because he may not have been confirmed if he told the truth.
You cannot square his prior testimony UNDER OATH with the aggressive and arrogant language of his draft opinion overruling settled precedent.
— Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) May 3, 2022
Susan Collins: “If this leaked draft opinion is the final decision and this reporting is accurate, it would be completely inconsistent with what Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh said in their hearings and in our meetings in my office.”
— Manu Raju (@mkraju) May 3, 2022
If a sitting Supreme Court Justice is found to have committed perjury while under oath during confirmation hearings can he or she be impeached #scotus #RoeVWade
— Ray (@BeachShopOwner) May 4, 2022
So I go to sleep and wake up to find that every Right Wing Conservative SCOTUS Justice who swore “Roe v Wade is the law of the land and I’ll respect/uphold it” lied under oath during their confirmation hearings.
— Jamie Schler (@lifesafeast) May 3, 2022
Can you impeach a Supreme Court Justice for lying under oath? Asking for a democracy.
— Susan Sarandon can go phuque herself (@MarshaMarcia1) May 3, 2022
Every American should be angry today about the Supreme Court Justices overturning #RoeVsWade
If you can’t trust them when they swear under oath, you can’t trust them with anything. What kind of fukking Justice lies under oath? The penalty should be harsh.
— Vicki Campbell🇨🇦 (@merry123459) May 3, 2022
So the “supreme” court currently has:
Two “justices” accused of sexual assault/harassment.
One “justice” who in all likelihood knew his wife was aiding and abetting an insurrection.
At least four bought and paid for.
Four liars under oath.
Nothing “Supreme” about them.
#ChiefJusticeRoberts You really expect trust in the court with Justice after Justice lying under oath?
— James Scott lives on land stolen from Muscogee N (@Jscott1145) May 4, 2022
So, what is the penalty for Supreme Court Justice nominees for lying under oath to the Senate these days?
— Agolf Twitler Slayer (@bblock29) May 4, 2022
the American justice system where under oath means nothing ❤️
— Lydia Snapper (@bendandSNAPPER) May 3, 2022
Follow up please. Are there any consequences for a Supreme Court Justice to have lied to you and under oath? Or should we all just be disappointed women have lost the right to co from their own bodies.
— Joe Lockhart (@joelockhart) May 3, 2022
So let me get this straight…. Associate Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh, Associate Justice Neil M. Gorsuch, and Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett ALL lied while under oath about Roe. So why aren't are they not being held on perjury charges?
— Jenifer Wilde (@JeniferWilde) May 4, 2022