Sen. Chuck Schumer Brilliantly Trolls Former Trump Advisor Larry Kudlow During The Oscars

Ron Delancer

On Sunday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) threw a big shade on former Trump advisor Larry Kudlow after the Fox News pundit criticized President Joe Biden for wanting to save the planet.

Kudlow on Saturday suggested that Biden is stupid for believing in climate change and trying to do something about it.

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“Speaking of stupid, there’s a study coming out of the University of Michigan which says that to meet the Biden Green New Deal targets, America has to, get this, America has to stop eating meat, stop eating poultry and fish, seafood, eggs, dairy, and animal-based fats,” Kudlow said on Fox News.

He added: “Ok, got that? No burger on July 4. No steaks on the barbecue. I’m sure Middle America is just going to love that. Can you grill those Brussels sprouts? So get ready. You can throw back a plant-based beer with your grilled Brussels sprouts and wave your American flag. Call it July 4th Green.”

Schumer fired back on Twitter, pointing out that beer is plant-based, a fact he had fun with:

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