Russian Oligarch With Ties To Trump Campaign Operatives Indicted On Conspiracy Charges

Ron Delancer

A Russian oligarch has been charged with conspiring with Lev Parnas, Igor Fruman, and other operatives with ties to the Donald Trump campaign to funnel foreign cash into U.S. political campaigns, Politico reports, citing an indictment unsealed on Monday.

The indictment alleges that Andrey Muraviev made illegal political donations and conspired to make illegal campaign contributions in the names of straw donors, joining Lev Parnas, Andrey Kukushkin and Igor Fruman, who had been previously charged in the case, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York said in a news release on Monday, according to Politico.

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“As alleged, Andrey Muraviev, a Russian national, attempted to influence the 2018 elections by conspiring to push a million dollars of his foreign funds to candidates and campaigns,” the news release said. “He attempted to corrupt our political system to advance his business interests. The Southern District of New York is committed to rooting out efforts by foreigners to interfere with our elections.”

As noted by Politico, “the arrests of Parnas and Fruman in 2019 drew widespread attention because the two men had been working closely with then-President Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani on efforts to remove the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine and to spark a Ukrainian investigation into Trump’s rival for the presidency, Joe Biden, and his son Hunter.”

While Giuliani has not been charged in the case, prosecutors did obtain search warrants for electronic devices at Giuliani’s home and office and the investigation is still going, Politico noted.

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Read the full report on POLITICO.

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