Right Wing Pastor Says God Will Reward Trump With ‘Three Elections’ For Surviving COVID

Ron Delancer

Appearing on Daystar Television this week, Lord of Hosts Church pastor Hank Kunneman said he had a dream where Donald Trump had “an encounter with God” that would ensure him a win in November, and two more after that.

According to Kunneman, his dream foresaw Trump’s infection and hospitalization with coronavirus — an event which he says caused Trump to call out to God, prompting God to reward with another four years in the White House. Kunneman curiously said God would extend his hand over “three elections,” suggesting that he was prophesying a Mike Pence presidency after Trump’s two terms are finished.

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“[Trump] cried out to God, and just like [the biblical figure Hezekiah] said, ‘God, remember the good that I’ve done,’ so did President Trump. … Because of what happened with President Trump just recently, his calling out to God has extended God’s hand that’s going to extend over three elections,” Kunneman said in a video clip flagged by Right Wing Watch.

Take a look at his remarks below:

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