Radio Host Sounds Alarm on Trump’s ‘Cognitive Decline’ Following Troubling Memory Lapse

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Michelangelo Signorile, host on SiriusXM Progress, has raised significant concerns about Donald Trump’s mental acuity after the ex-president appeared to forget a conversation held just weeks ago regarding potential cabinet nominees, including JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon for Treasury Secretary.

During an interview with Bloomberg earlier this month, Trump had openly discussed Dimon as a viable candidate for the position. However, in a puzzling reversal, Trump later denied ever considering Dimon or Larry Fink of BlackRock, another potential nominee, prompting Signorile to question the former president’s cognitive faculties.

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“Let me just say one thing first,” Trump said during the interview. “So, I had a meeting with them. First, I had a meeting with Congress, Republican Congress. It was like a lovefest. Then, I met with them and the US Senate, which was all Republicans, 49. And it was also a lovefest, but my best meeting of the three (sic) was with the executives. And Biden’s misinformation — people put out a thing: Oh, he went on, he rambled. There was no rambling. This, you could say, this is rambling, but in order to get to the point, you have to, you know, this is a very complex subject, that a lot of people, most people don’t understand. But I just wanted to say, that that was the best meeting. They loved it. They were happy with.”

He added: “But I would like to get it down to 15, if we could, because that would put us in the absolute lowest in terms of incentive. But that meeting and we had, I don’t know, 70—all CEOs, the top guys. That was a lovefest. And I will tell you when I’m not loved because I feel that better than anybody. But that was a lovefest. And it was reported by some people so wrong. Actually, CNBC called and apologized to me, because they found out. But we had a great meeting, Jamie Dimon was there. I have a lot of respect for Jamie Dimon.”

When pressed by a Bloomberg reporter about Dimon’s potential as Treasury Secretary, Trump responded affirmatively, stating, “He is somebody that I would consider, sure. He was at the meeting. Tim Cook was right next to him. You know, we had everybody.”

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However, Trump later contradicted himself in a post on Truth Social this week, denying that he had made any such comments.

“I don’t know who said it, or where it came from, perhaps the Radical Left, but I never discussed, or thought of, Jamie Dimon or Larry Fink for Secretary of the Treasury,” Trump asserted. Fink is the CEO of the BlackRock investment firm.

This latest episode has amplified concerns previously raised by mental health experts, including psychologists Dr. John Gartner and Dr. Harry Segal, who have observed what they believe to be a deterioration in Trump’s cognitive abilities over time.

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The discussion around Trump’s cognitive health is not new, but this recent lapse has underscored ongoing worries about his capacity to fulfill presidential duties effectively if elected.

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