Prosecutor On Trump: ‘It’s Like That Boiling Frog That Doesn’t Realize The Temperature Has Been Turned Up Until Too Late

Ron Delancer

Appearing on CNN’s “The Situation Room,” Palm Beach County Attorney Dave Aronberg reacted to the news that the Justice Department has confiscated cell phones and issued subpoenas to 40 participants in the fake electors scheme set in motion by Trump allies in an effort to keep the former president in Power despite losing the 2020 election.

Speaking with anchor Wolf Blitzer, Aronberg said Attorney General Merrick Garland lulled Trumpworld “into a false sense of security” by keeping their investigation under wraps— and is now hitting the gas, adding that “it’s like that boiling frog that doesn’t realize the temperature has been turned up until too late.”.

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“Just how much of an escalation does this represent in this overall investigation?” asked Blitzer.

“A big one, Wolf. Now we know what Steve Bannon was referring to when he said publicly that there were 35 MAGA leaders who had their homes raided, Aronberg replied.

“We couldn’t figure out what he meant, because that would have been out in the public and we didn’t see that. Well, what he did was confuse search warrants with subpoenas. But, still, subpoenas are a big deal. And the timing is not a coincidence … this comes right before the 60-day quiet period before the midterm elections when DOJ tries not to influence an election. That’s why this all came all at once.”

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“But the fact that Bannon and other MAGA leaders seem shocked that this happened shows to me that Merrick Garland has lulled many in Trumpworld into a false sense of security,” Aronberg explained. “This is the kind of slow build that Attorney General Garland has been known for in his prosecutorial career. It’s like that boiling frog that doesn’t realize the temperature has been turned up until too late.”

Aronberg went on to say: “It’s pretty clear from the latest subpoena action that they are looking at a wide range of people who were in the former president’s orbit. And, to your point, that people may lie but documents don’t, they’re seeking a wide range of documents from these folks that they are subpoenaing, and in some cases they are also seeking testimony.”

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