Pro-Trump Pastor Kicks Church Member Out For Asking For Prayer During His Sermon

Ron Delancer

A shocking video has emerged online showing Pro-Trump evangelical pastor Steve Anderson angrily ejecting a person out of service for approaching the pulpit at his church to ask for prayer.

The video begins when a man stands up and walks up to Anderson to request a prayer. Instead of praying for the man, Anderson unleashed hell on the man.

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“Sit down! Sit down! Anderson orders the man. “What are you What are you coming up here to do you want to come to take over the service? What do you want?”

The man then asks if he can get a prayer.

“No, you can’t,” an angry Anderson replied before telling the man “Get outta here!”

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“Get him out of here. Drag this bozo out,” he ordered his assistants.

He then went into a wild rant as the man is dragged out of church.

“If anybody wants to come up here and take over the service, we’ll throw you out of here, buddy. This church is not a free for all. This isn’t an open mic. This isn’t a karaoke bar. Okay, I’m the man of God here. I meet the qualifications. I run this church and if you don’t like it, then go,” he said.

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“This is not some church where every first time visitor and brand new believer and people have never even read the Bible are going to come up and take over the service not happening,” he continued. “And if you don’t like it, feel free to get up and leave the service at any time for 50% of people walk out.”

He then declared: “I’m not the pastor of a pentecostal church. I’m the pastor of a Baptist church. And if you’re not a baptist, get out!”

Watch the video below.

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