Pro-KKK Trump Supporter Lashes Out At BLM Protestors In Hateful Rant: ‘I’ll Teach My Grandkids To Hate You All!’

Ron Delancer By Ron Delancer

A group of Black Lives Matter protestors were harassed by a Trump supporter over the weekend at a protest that occurred outside of a Confederate memorabilia shop called Dixie Outfitters that’s located in Branson, Missouri.

The rant was caught on camera.

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In the video, a woman wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat can be seen waving a confederate flag while shouting at a group of BLM protestors.

“I will teach my grandkids to hate you all!” she shouted at the demonstrators.

After yelling and screaming at the protestors, the woman turned around and brandished the flag in front of them and said, “Suck on this!”

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To top it all off, the woman then shouted KKK at the demonstrators.

Take a look at the video clip below:

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