Far-right Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is being ridiculed on social media after she tweeted out a “disgusting” photo of what appeared to be a roasted or barbecued animal leg while boasting about her culinary skills.
The Q-Anon evangelist first shared a decidedly pale Thanksgiving turkey, which cause alarm across Twitter.
“This turkey is so white and unseasoned that it tried to overthrow the government,” one user wrote.
In a follow-up tweet, Greene share a grisly photo of a heavily overcooked animal leg, accompanied by a message from the congresswoman extolling her son’s hunting prowess.
“I am so proud of my son, Derek,” she wrote. “At 19 yrs old, he is capable of so much because he knows how to hunt responsibly, work, and solve problems.
“As his Mom, I love cooking the food that he provides and I’m grateful for his skill to bring down an animal in one shot…
“It’s important to know how to survive & history should teach you that. It’s also important to raise your boys to be men. We need real men.”
Naturally, Twitter users had a lot to say about the pictures.
I am so proud of my son, Derek. At 19 yrs old, he is capable of so much because he knows how to hunt responsibly, work, and solve problems.
As his Mom, I love cooking the food that he provides and I’m grateful for his skill to bring down an animal in one shot, .. pic.twitter.com/zxQEyoFRk3
— Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸 (@mtgreenee) November 27, 2022
That looks disgusting.
— lisa marti (@drinks4me) November 27, 2022
this turkey is so white and unseasoned that it tried to overthrow the government pic.twitter.com/nwH61yRPi2
— Brian Floyd (@BrianMFloyd) November 25, 2022
You belong in prison.
— Rise Up (@StayFreeBBs) November 27, 2022
blows my mind you have proven to be a worse cook than a politician #fuckeduplookingfood https://t.co/e8dCVbhaMm
— Fuckridleytidmore (@Fuckridleytidm1) November 27, 2022
Does he share your hate and vitriol?
— Domestic Supply Of Lunacy (@UnionizeTesla) November 27, 2022
Did your son have to go hunting because the turkey you made was laughably inedible?
— andrea (@ehwhatdoiknow) November 27, 2022
Is this the 18th century? Have I gone back in time? I thought MAGA was about going back to 1960, but apparently it's 1860.
— Johnny Rocko 🇺🇸 🇺🇦 ex-GOP 🇺🇲 🇺🇦 (@rocha_earl) November 27, 2022
That looks terrible, and why is it on a clean sheet pan? If that’s the pan it was cooked on, it should be dirty, if it’s cooked a d gonna be cut it should be on a cutting board.
— Ranty McRanter (@rantsbyme007) November 27, 2022
Is this you? pic.twitter.com/l32cguySC6
— Joseph Hamilton (Christian Male) (@JosephMH04) November 27, 2022
— CAMPBIZZLE (@happycrazytown) November 27, 2022
He better cook it himself next time, you don’t know how to 🤣 pic.twitter.com/cgqaHMlhXZ
— Quadcarl (@quadcarl_carl) November 27, 2022
I hope that what is oozing off of it is cranberry sauce, otherwise is blood and someone can end up in the ER, just saying
— Los 🦂 and I Stand with Ukraine 💛 (@migacharlos) November 27, 2022
Most normal Moms’d be proud of their sons for, I dunno, doing well at school or in a job, being nice to a relative, volunteering to help around the house.
MTG is proud cos her son is good at shooting unsuspecting animals.
— Paul R Bear (@PaulRBear4) November 27, 2022
“So proud” that your son can kill an animal?
What is that? Road kill?
You sure set “ the bar” low!— gary understein (@Garyu737) November 28, 2022
Sorry to say that looks pretty disgusting. Looks like something cooked in a trump trailer park trash garbage can. Ewwwwh.
— Larry Hill (@TyHill66) November 28, 2022