People Are Claiming Trump Is ‘Deteriorating Rapidly’ After Video Shows Him Struggling To Walk Down A Ramp: Watch

Ron Delancer

Shortly after addressing West Point graduates on Saturday, Donald Trump made his way down a ramp as he was leaving the stage. People were quick to notice that Trump was having a lot of Trump walking down the ramp.

“He minces down the ramp taking tiny baby steps and staring at his shoes, then pulls up big at the end, and blusters through the last step like he’s Patton surveying a battlefield full of knocked out panzers,” Mike Rothschild posted on Twitter.

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You can see the video below:

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As many Twitter users noticed Trump’s struggle, they decided to comment on it. Here are some of the best responses:

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RELATED: Watch: Trump Met By Complete Silence When He Announced His Birthday Was Sunday At West Point Address

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