New Poll: Biden Leads Trump By 10 Points Nationwide

Ron Delancer

According to a newly released CBS News-YouGov poll, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is leading President Trump by 10 points nationally.

More than half of likely voters, 52 percent, said they would cast their ballots for Biden, and 42 percent said they would support Trump, according to the survey released Sunday. Three percent of respondents said they are “not sure” who they would vote for, and 3 percent said they would vote for someone else.

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The poll found voters split on who they feel would do a better job handling the economy, with 44 percent saying Biden and 45 percent selecting Trump.

Half of likely voters also said they think Biden would do a better job handling the coronavirus outbreak, compared with 38 percent who said the same of Trump. Asked who they would trust to make sure a safe coronavirus vaccine is available in the U.S., 47 percent said Biden and 34 percent said Trump.

Amid nationwide protests following recent police shootings of Black Americans, both candidates have sought to highlight issues around safety in recent weeks, making it a central campaign issue in the party nominating conventions and subsequent political ads.

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More voters, 48 percent, said in the new poll that Biden would make them feel safer, while 43 percent said the same about Trump.

Meanwhile, 49 percent of voters said they think Biden is trying to “calm the situation,” and just 30 percent said they think the Democrat is trying to “encourage fighting.”

The poll was conducted between Sept. 2 and Sept. 4 and has a margin of error of 2.4 percentage points.

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