Morning Joe Skewers Trump Over Milwaukee Debacle

Staff Writer

MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” hosts opened Friday’s show by tearing into Donald Trump for his latest blunder, where he labeled Milwaukee—the host city for the Republican National Convention and where he’s set to become the 2024 GOP presidential candidate—a “horrible city” while speaking to lawmakers on Thursday.

The hosts, Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough, made their point by cracking open Milwaukee’s Best Ice beers live on air, highlighting the GOP’s frantic efforts to clean up yet another Trump blunder that has infuriated Wisconsin voters.

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As Brzezinski grimaced at her beer, Scarborough spelled it out, “They can try to spin it. First, they lied because, of course, they’re Trump Republicans, saying, ”Oh, he never said that.’ And his spokesperson: ‘Oh, that’s BS, Trump never said that. Then, of course, we find out later — Mika, you hate beer, you don’t have to pretend anymore — and then later, they admitted that he said it and were spinning the rest of the day.”

“The fact is, let’s just say what it is: Donald Trump trashed the most important city in the upcoming 2024 election. You know why? Because he’s Donald Trump,” Scarborough added.

Conservative Milwaukee native Charlie Sykes chimed in, “I mean, this is a farce inside of a fiasco. It was really interesting watching local Republicans struggling to get their stories straight after Donald Trump dumps on Milwaukee again.”

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Watch the segment below:

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