Miami Police Handcuffs Black Doctor Who Tests Homeless For Coronavirus

Ron Delancer

The Miami police department is under fire after an officer detained and handcuffed an African-American doctor outside his home Friday as he was wearing a mask and preparing for a volunteer shift to test homeless people for COVID-19.

The doctor, Dr. Armen Henderson, is also an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Miami.

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Police didn’t offer a valid reason for Henderson’s detention. Now he is demanding an apology.

“I want the officer held accountable. There’s no way that you racially profile me and then you arrest me, detain me, during a pandemic, when you have no mask on, where hundreds of police officers throughout Miami-Dade County have tested positive,” said Dr. Henderson, according to Democracy Now. “I want an apology,” he added.

Watch the video below, via Democracy Now.

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