McConnell’s Last Remark To Trump Was ‘You Lost’ And Hopes To Never Speak To Him Again: Report

Ron Delancer

The final conversation between then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and then-president Donald Trump was described in the new book “Peril” by Washington Post journalists Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, Business Insider reports.

The Insider noted that the relationship between McConnell and Trump is so frayed that the Senate GOP Leader hopes he will never again have to talk to the former president.

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After McConnell congratulated Joe Biden from the Senate floor on December 15th, Trump reportedly called McConnell and “spewed expletives.”

“Mr. President, the Electoral College has spoken. That’s the way we pick a president in this country,” McConnell explained.

“You lost the election, the Electoral College has spoken,” was reportedly the last thing McConnell said.

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McConnell reportedly hoped it would “be the final time he and Trump would ever speak to each other.”

Read The Insider’s report here.

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