Man Has Toddler-Like Tantrum On The Floor After Being Told To Wear A Mask At Costco

Ron Delancer

Over the weekend, a video was posted on Reddit of a grown man throwing himself to the floor inside a Costco and throwing a tantrum after being told to wear a mask.

The video, which was reportedly taken in a town in Florida, shows the man lying on the floor arguing with a masked security guard who was standing over him.

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While it’s hard to make out what the man is saying, he’s seemingly arguing that all he wants to do is buy groceries and that he doesn’t have to be forced by the “government” to wear a mask.

“I don’t have to wear it,” he can be heard saying.

Take a look at the video clip below:

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Grown ass man throwing a tantrum at Costco because he was told to wear a mask. Location: Lantana FL from r/trashy

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