MAGA Host Demands DNA Test to Prove Harris Isn’t Under Demonic Influence For Identifying Herself As Black

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Will Johnson (Screenshot)

Will Johnson, a fervent MAGA evangelist and a host on Mike Lindell’s television network, has sparked controversy by demanding Vice President Kamala Harris undergo a DNA test to prove her racial identity, suggesting a demonic influence might be behind her assertion of being Black.

On his show “Let’s Talk About It” on Lindell TV, Johnson echoed former President Donald Trump’s baseless claim that Harris had only recently “happened to turn Black.”

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Harris, whose father is Jamaican and mother is Indian, made history as the first Black and first Asian American vice president. However, Johnson’s commentary has fixated on questioning the authenticity of her racial identity.

“Why not get Kamala Harris to take a DNA test, just like Elizabeth Warren?” Johnson proposed. “If her results show she’s more Black than Warren is Indian, then maybe we can accept her claim, at least part-time.”

Johnson’s fixation on Harris’s ethnicity has been accompanied by his dubious assertion that a “demonic spirit” is influencing her racial identity.

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“It’s a demonic spirit that’s causing this,” Johnson claimed. “I know it sounds harsh, but this is what I believe.”

Johnson expressed his frustration with what he perceives as a demand for acceptance of Harris’s identity, suggesting that it’s driven by a collective denial of what he considers to be a deeper, supernatural issue.

“They want us to accept this insanity,” Johnson declared. “But I’m not going to, and you can’t force me to play along with this delusion. These people seem to be under a form of mental illness influenced by demonic forces.”

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