Kevin McCarthy Demolished For Going Crazy About Kavanaugh While Ignoring Death Threats Against Adam Kinzinger

Ron Delancer

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who threw a fit of rage on the House floor, attacking democrats after a man was arrested for allegedly saying that he wanted to kill Justice Brett Kavanaugh over the Supreme Court ruling on Roe v. Wade, was called out on Saturday for remaining silent as Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill) was bombarded with death threats against himself and his family.

During a panel discussion on MSNBC on Saturday, Politico national correspondent Meredith McGraw joined host Sam Stein and podcaster Dean Obeidallah to condemn Kevin McCarthy for ignoring the threats against a member of his own caucus over his participation in the Jan 6 Panel.

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Obeidallah and Stein pointed out that the lack of response to the threats to Kinzinger by the GOP leadership speaks volumes about where they stand.

“Once you go against Trump and you are fully disavowed by the Republican Party, is that it?” Stein asked.

“It seems like it is worse than that, ” Obeidallah opined. “Secondly, look, this is not about marginalizing a voice, this is about a deluge of vile voicemails released last week at Congressman Adam Kinzinger, death threats against him, his family, his wife, his child. This comes on the heels of a month ago there was a handwritten letter delivered to his house to his wife that he released to the public was saying that they were going to execute him, his son and you.”

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“When Republicans are concerned about threats, they speak out,” he continued. “When Brett Kavanaugh had threats, Kevin McCarthy was on the floor of the House, he’s on Fox News tweeting about it. But when Adam Kissinger revealed these threats, nothing. The message is clear, we value certain lives, those who are in our team. But those who dare criticize our Donald Trump, our leader, then violence is not only acceptable but encouraged.”

Watch the discussion below:

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