Jon Stewart Excoriates Trump, Kanye West For ‘Weird Jew Paranoia Bulls–t’

Ron Delancer

Jon Stewart on Wednesday slammed former president Donald Trump and Kanye West (Ye) for their “weird Jew paranoia bulls***.”

During the latest episode of his podcast “The Problem with Jon Stewart,” former Daily Show host condemned Trump’s comments about how “US Jews have to get their act together and appreciate what they have in Israel — Before it is too late!”

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“I don’t have a ton of time today because I have a Jewish media mafia meeting,” Stewart joked on his podcast. “We’ve just got a lot of stuff to talk about in terms of censorship and what we have to control. A lot of stuff has been sneaking through the cracks.”

The comedian said that Trump’s comment was “one of the most explicit expressions of just pure ‘Jews have only loyalty to Israel’ and I don’t know that it even made the top 10 antisemitic bulls*** of the week.

He added; “In fact, the word antisemitic doesn’t even carry it anymore. It’s just weird Jew paranoia bulls*** that it’s mind-blowing to me how easily it flows from people’s mouths and everybody’s just like, ‘Wow, that was weird.’”

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Stewart then addressed Kanye West’s antisemitism controversy.

The rapper said he was going “death con 3 on JEWISH PEOPLE” on Twitter before his tweet was taken down and accused another rapper of being controlled by Jewish people on Instagram. He also said that Jewish people control the media, a point Stewart said was a common anti-semitic conspiracy theory.

“If you are Jewish, then it’s part of the Jewish mafia. But if you’re not, then you’re just a guy that’s a [expletive] to him in business,” Stewart said of Ye’s thinking. “If you’re a Jewish guy with him in business, it’s part of the cabal. It’s F— wild.”

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“You’re a billionaire who was married to the Kardashians. How bad have we been f***ing you?” Stewart added.

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