Joe Scarborough Preparing Damning Lawsuit Against Donald Trump: Report

Ron Delancer

The Daily Beast reported this week that MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” host, Joe Scarborough, could be gearing up a law suit against former president Donald Trump.

The twice-impeached one-term president has privately complained that his enemies will be “suing me for the rest of my life.”

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According to a person who’s discussed the matter with him in recent weeks, Scarborough could be among those plaintiffs, reported The Daily Beast.

A knowledgeable source said Scarborough has met in recent months with Washington, D.C.-area lawyer Elizabeth “Libby” Locke, of the Clare Locke firm, to discuss a suit against Trump, who repeatedly claimed — without evidence — that the former Florida lawmaker had been involved in the death of a former staffer decades ago in his office.

While Scarborough has publicly mulled the possibility of a lawsuit, he has privately told associated that he’s still thinking about it and may not decide for months, according to the report.

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You can read the full report HERE.

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