Joe Scarborough Explains To Conservatives The ‘Asinine’ Reality Of Durham Case As They Fume Over Sussmann Verdict

Ron Delancer

Right-wing pundits and Trump-loving conservatives are fuming over the acquittal of attorney Michael Sussmann after months of pushing the narrative that Sussmann was guilty of charges that he lied to the FBI when he informed the bureau of Donald Trump’s ties with Russia.

After the no guilty verdict, conservative media figures were left scrambling to explain the failure of Former President Donald Trump’s special counsel John Durham to prove his case. For them, there was only one thing to do: Blame the “DC jury.”

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However, as MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough explained, the case was doomed from the beginning.

“It’s just asinine,” the ‘Morning Joe’ host said Wednesday. “It’s been asinine from the start. This started in March 2017 when Donald Trump said that Barack Obama was tapping his phones, and it continued, one lie after another lie after another lie, which was picked up by all of those news outlets that you just quoted, and then Barr lets Durham start investigating, supposedly investigating the investigators.”

“But there’s been absolutely nothing there from the beginning,” Scarborough continued. “and this pleading that everybody jumped on in February, we did an entire segment. I mean, I read it, tried to figure it out for 24 hours. I talked to legal scholars, I said, ‘I don’t understand this pleading, it looks like it was written by a seventh-grader,’ and sure enough, it basically was, and then you see, at the end of the day, that this investigation of the ‘deep state,’ this investigation of the investigators, is much ado about nothing. It’s more weirdos, more conspiracy theorists, more freaks, actually getting an attorney general to allow Durham go out and make a fool of himself, to drag this out years to make the investigation of the investigators longer than the original investigation.”

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“[It] cost millions and millions of taxpayers’ dollars and have absolutely nothing to show about it in the end, but yet, you have people being slandered throughout the entire process, and let’s start with the FBI,” he said. Let’s start with Donald Trump. Let’s start with those right-wing dominant media people who can continue to slander the FBI. Let’s talk about House Republican leaders who slander the FBI day in and day out, and have been slandering the FBI day in and day out because they dare to investigate a politician, a failed game show host, who did one thing after another that raised legitimate suspicions.”

Watch the segment below from MSNBC:

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