Joe Scarborough Calls Trump ‘Stupid’ Without Mentioning His Name

Ron Delancer

During Monday’s edition of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” host Joe Scarborough slammed retired U.S. Army general-turned-QAnon fanatic Michael Flynn as a “crackpot” and wondered “who in the world would be stupid enough to name him national security adviser.”

Flynn’s hardline views on Islam, his strident attacks on Hillary Clinton, as well as laudatory statements about Russia, sparked national outrage during the 2016 campaign.

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After the election, however, Donald Trump named Flynn to be the White House national security adviser, elevating the controversial surrogate to be the chief arbiter of virtually every major defense and foreign policy decision.

“You have the question who in the world would be stupid enough to name him national security adviser, especially when he was warned repeatedly against doing so,” Scarborough said before calling Flynn’s suggestion un-American, unhinged, and unconstitutional.

“The very birth of this nation was based on religious tolerance. People fled England and Europe because they wanted religious freedom. They wanted to worship their god as they saw fit without governmental interference,” the Morning Joe host continued.

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“What’s so disturbing, it’s not this general who’s now full-on crackpot mode, it’s not that he’s saying this from a stage, it’s unfortunately that more people are thinking this way,” Scarborough lamented.

He added: “It’s just, again, it does such violence to this country’s heritage, it does such violence to the First Amendment. There is a reason why it was a First Amendment, freedom of religion. There is a reason why that was, again, why people fled religious persecution that came to this country.”

Watch the segment in the video below, via YouTube:

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