Jeb Bush Responds To Trump’s Claim About His Dead Father

Chris Stevens

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush fired back at Donald Trump, who called for an investigation into his late father, former President George H.W. Bush, for “storing classified documents at a bowling alley/Chinese Restaurant.”

Trump’s bizarre claim came during a rally Sunday evening in Arizona, where he took the opportunity to defend keeping classified documents by accusing past presidents of doing the same.

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He falsely claimed that former President Barack Obama moved over 33 million pages of documents to a former furniture store in Chicago. The National Archives previously debunked this claim, saying they transported 30 million unclassified documents to a secure federal facility in Chicago.

Trump then claimed that former President George H.W. Bush, “took millions and millions of documents to a former bowling alley pieced together with what was then an old and broken Chinese restaurant. They put them together. And it had a broken front door and broken windows. Other than that it was quite secure.”

He also questioned why Bush, among other presidents, was not being prosecuted.

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George H.W. Bush died in a Houston hospital from a blood infection in 2018 after his wife, Barbara, died months earlier. Trump’s bizarre comment prompted a response on Twitter from Bush’s son, Jeb Bush.

“I am so confused,” Bush wrote. “My dad enjoyed a good Chinese meal and enjoyed the challenge of 7-10 split. What the heck is up with you?” he added, referencing a bowling outcome where the player has left two pins while eyeing a spare.

During the 2016 campaign, Trump frequently attacked Jeb Bush for being “low energy.”

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