Jan 6 Panel Could Soon Issue Subpoenas For Ivanka, Other Trump Family Members: CNN Reporter

Ron Delancer

The House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection appears to be accelerating their proceedings and could soon ensnare members of former President Donald Trump’s family, CNN reporter Jamie Gangel said Thursday.

During a discussion about the committee’s referral for criminal contempt of Trump ally Steve Bannon for failing to comply with its subpoena, Gangel explained how the committee is showing that it’s not messing around.

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“If [Trump] thinks he can get away with being cute with his press releases, he has another thing coming,” Gangel told host Wolf Blitzer, who pointed out that the committee has even left the door open to subpoenaing Trump himself.

Gangel replied that it could expand beyond the former president.

“I think it opens up the Trump family,” she explained. “Remember, Ivanka Trump was with her father on January 6th. She was in and out of the Oval Office. I think that there are going to be a lot of people who are fair game who are very close to the former president.”

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Watch the discussion below, via CNN.

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